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국립인천대학교의 생생한 뉴스를 전합니다.
Find the Answer for Future English Education: Nati
The National Incheon National University (Presiden
2025.01.21 -
Incheon National University s regular recruitment
As a result of applying for regular recruitment (G
2025.01.21 -
Incheon National University College Life Counselin
Incheon National University (President Park Jong-t
2025.01.21 -
Incheon National University KOICA Climate Degree T
On December 19, 2024, the second master's program
2025.01.21 -
2024 of Incheon National University s School of La
3,071 students participated in 35 non-subjects and
2025.01.21 -
Incheon National University presents a customized
A policy study conducted by Incheon National Unive
2025.01.21 -
Incheon National University s Eco-Friendly Plastic
친환경바이오플라스틱센터 생분해플라스틱 바이오가스화 실증 사업 관련 사진-Scientific
2025.01.21 -
Center for Science and Culture in Incheon will hol
Center for Science and Culture in Incheon (Hang K
Academy of Chinese Studies, Incheon National University Selected as a Listed Journal of Comparative
Development of Reversible Solid Oxide Cells with Single Anode and Cathode Materials by Utilizing Nan
Professor Lee Seung-soo of Incheon National University s Department of Computer Science & Engineerin
Professor Han Mi-ryeong and Joo Hye-yeon of Incheon National University s Molecular & Medical Scienc
Professor Cho Yoo-seok of Incheon National University s Division of Design won the Korea Society of
Im Il-jin, a professor at Incheon National University, won the 61st Dong-A Theater Award for Stage A
Professor Chung Chae-kwan of the Incheon National University receives The Korea Association of Secon
Professor Han Ki-soon of Center for Science and Culture in Incheon was elected as the next president
Prof. Michael Menke of the Department of German Language & Literature presented a plaque of apprecia
Park Jong-tae, president of Incheon National University, wins the Korea Service Award in the second
SNS(4 개)
#세계로도약하는 #국립인천대학교 # 미래의리더
#잠재력실현 #지역을넘어서세계로
Songdo Campus
- (Songdo-dong) 119 Academy-ro Yeonsu-gu, Incheon Republic of Korea
Michuhol Campus
- 12, Gaetbeol-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Jemulpo Campus
- 165, Seokjeong-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea